EducOpera- a tool & a process to identify and assess competences acquired by students thanks to an education to Opera

Marco Bartolucci, Jesus Boyano, Bénédicte Halba, Mojca Kovačič , Dirk Michel-Schertges, Niels Rosendal Jensen, Alberto Santoro (eds)

  • Publication : 2019
  • iriv

The EducOpera means to struggle against Early School Leaving (ESL) through the acquisition of skills & competences by the means of Education to Opera. To achieve this aim, it intends to design 3 main intellectual outputs:

1- A tool & method (IO1) to identify and assess the competences acquired by teenagers thanks to an education to music in general and Opera in particular which might be relevant skills & competences required at school

2- A training for professionals (IO2) - educators being trained to this pedagogical & innovative approach to enrich their professional practice and being able to use the IO1 in their assessment

3- A guidance for professionals in order for them to be able to explain the EducOpera approach to other teachers/educators (at school and outside school) teaching musical education (IO3) making the link with the struggle against Early School Leaving (ESL) ; learning to learn making the link between formal, non-formal and informal learning

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