Bénédicte Halba
Bénédicte Halba, PhD in Economics, is the founding president of the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv). She was a project manager at the Ministry of Youth and Sports (1991-1994), an expert with the Council of Europe at the Economic Impact of Sport and Volunteering/Volunteering workshops (1992-1994). She dedicated her doctoral thesis to the economics of sport, the first defended on this subject in Europe (Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne University, 1996). In 1997, she created iriv, where she directed studies, training through iriv consulting and the development of websites. She is the editor and author of the iriv les rives de l'iriv e-journal (www.benevolat.net, since 2004), a Diversity Newsletter (www.superdiversite.net, since 2018) and a monthly newsletter in support of Ukraine (since March 2022). The Leonardo da Vinci pilot project, which she initiated and led in 7 countries, VAEB for a professional project, was awarded in 2006 in Helsinki as one of the 10 best European projects contributing to the Copenhagen process. The pioneering Migrapass project (2010-2012) that she initiated with a French association in 5 European countries led to the creation of a monthly club for the professional integration of migrant audiences at the Cité des Métiers de Paris (2012-2022). The project Réussir à l'école grâce au bénévolat - Succes at school Through Volunteering (SAS) (2012-2014) that she initiated with a University of Northampton in 6 European countries has made it possible to propose an initiation action to volunteer with young people in Essonne. She has taught at the University since 2000 in France and Europe (Austria, United Kingdom ...). She has been a director of several associations - Cicos (2007-2011), Assfam (2011-2014) or FISPE (2015-2017). She has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Swiss ECAP Foundation since 2015 and of the Association Committee of the Ordre des Experts comptables (OEC, Ile de France) since 2017, for which she co-organized the Journées du Monde associatif (JMA 2022 & JMA 2023. Its actions on the ground with migrant audiences and with young people in Essonne are presented on the portal www.club-iriv.net. She has published several books (Documentation française, De Boeck, Larousse...), numerous articles or research reports (related to the more than 60 projects in which she participated) that are accessible on the portal www.iriv-publications.net with the iriv electronic journal, and newsletters on diversity and in support of Ukraine.
Liste des publications
- 04/2020Un don en temps et compétences à reconnaître et valoriserArticles
- 12/2019numero 37 - sourceElectronic review
- 11/2019Enhancing artistic extracurricular activities to struggle Early School Leaving (ESL)- the example of an education to OperaArticles
- 08/2019EducOpera- An education to Opera as a Method of Reducing Early School LeavingResearch reports
- 05/2019numéro 36- AudaceElectronic review
- 05/2019EducoPera - Un outil et une méthode pour identifier et évaluer les compétences acquises grâce à une éducation musiclaePortfolios
- 12/2018JUciVolResearch reports
- 12/2018Les bénévoles d’accompagnement : accompagner & valoriser un engagement singulier et une expérience spécifiqueArticles
- 12/2018numéro 35 - RenaissanceElectronic review
- 11/2018JuCiVol- Formation pour les jeunes (18-30 ans)Formations
- 11/2018Tutorat JuCiVol pour les professionnels travaillant avec les jeunes (18-30 ans)Guides
- 09/2018Outil Revalue- portfolio pour valoriser des compétences migratoiresPortfolios
- 06/2018Outil MiFamily pour comprendre l'Education familialePortfolios
- 05/2018numéro 34- ClartéElectronic review
- 01/2018Schola- Sois bénévole et réussis à l'écoleResearch reports
- 12/2017Portfolio Schola pour valoriser l'expérience bénévole des élèvesPortfolios
- 12/2017numéro 33- 20 ans de l'iriv (1997-2017)- partageElectronic review
- 09/2017Ebook- Key TutorsResearch reports
- 05/2017numéro 32- 20 ans de l'iriv (1997-2017)- demainElectronic review
- 02/2017The role of professionals in promoting diversity and inclusivenessArticles
- 12/2016numéro 31- AllianceElectronic review
- 07/2016Guide Vintage combinant formation professionnelle et apprentissages linguistiquesResearch reports
- 07/2016Key Tutors- un outil et une méthode pour identifier et évaluer les compétences clés auprès d'apprenants éloignés de la formation et/ou de l'emploiGuides
- 07/2016La reconnaissance des acquis d’une expérience bénévole- pour une diversité des apprentissages et des apprenantsArticles
- 06/2016Guide pour l’évaluation des apprentissages linguistiquesGuides
- 06/2016numéro 30- surpriseElectronic review
- 01/2016Guide pour construire un cours de formation linguistique intégrant l’approche formation professionnelleGuides
- 01/2016 Soft Power - le cas de l’équipe féminine de football iranienneArticles
- 01/2016Cycle de formation combinant apprentissages linguistiques et formation continueFormations
- 12/2015numero 29- retourElectronic review