Glossary - Letter M
“the permanent movement of individuals or groups from one place to another. Migration is of course a basic fact of human history”.
Lain McLean , The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996.,
Migration missions
Migration missions aim to develop a dialogue on migration with non-EU country authorities and facilitate a closer cooperation between Member States and the Commission at the local level, and a concrete cooperation with the authorities of this non-EU country. So far, the European Union (Commission, Presidency and interested Member States) has conducted 11 migration missions to sub-Saharan Africa (Cameroon, Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Cameroon) and four to Eastern Europe (Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine).
Source : European Migration Network (EMN)
Migration profiles
Migration profiles are reports on the migration situation of a country for the purpose of increasing the evidence-base for a country's own policy development as well as for dialogue with partners. They contain data and analysis on current migration patterns, labour market trends, remittance flows, information on diasporas and other development-related data. They are also intended to be a basis for more coherent migration and development policies.
Source : Glossary developed by the European Migration Network (EMN)
Mobility partnerships
On the basis of politicaldeclarations, these cooperation arrangements aim to provide the overall framework for dialogue and practical cooperation between a non-EU country and a number of Member States on a voluntary basis. Cooperation usually covers the main themes of legal migration, irregular migration, migration and development. The first mobility partnerships have been set up in 2008 with Moldova, Cape Verde and in 2009 with Georgia.
Source : Glossary developed by the European Migration Network (EMN)