Glossary - Letter K
Key competences
All competences (basic competences and new basis competences) required in the knowledge society. The European Commission describes 8 key competences
1.Communication in the mother tongue
2.Communication in foreign languages
3.Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
4.Digital competence
5.Learning to learn
6.Social and civic competences
7.Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
8.Cultural awareness and expression
Source : Commission européenne, Parlement européen et Conseil européen, décembre 2006.
key competences
The sum of skills (basic sckills and new basic skills) needed to develop in contemporary knowledge society. The European Commission sets out the 8 key competences (2006):
1. communication in the mother tongue;
2. communication in foreign languages;
3. competences in maths, science and technology;
4. digital competences;
5. learning to learn;
6. interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and civic competences;
7. entrepreneurship;
8. cultural expression.
practical knowledge or skills expertise
practical knowledge or skills expertise -
definitions of knowledge are legion, nevertheless, modern conceptions of knowledge rest broadly on several basic distinctions : (a) declarative (theoretical) knowledge differs from procedural (practical) knowledge ; (b) various forms of knowledge correspond to different ways of learning : objective (natural/scientific) knowledge ; subjective (literary/aesthetic) knowledge ; moral (human/normative) knowledge ; religious (divine) knowledge ; (c) knowledge encompasses tacit (the learner is not necessarily aware of having it) and explicit (knowledge a learner can consciously inspect) knowledge .