Issue 36- Solidarity Ukraine- White stone

Bénédicte Halba (ed)

  • Publication : 2025
  • iriv

This newsletter is the 2nd published in 2025 and the 36th since the Russian aggression against Ukraine. White is an ambivalent color. The white flag is raised to call for a ceasefire, as a sign of surrender. It is a symbol of neutrality or peace, symbolized by a white dove and its olive branch. Russian and Soviet regimes have instrumentalized pacifism and the defenders of peace in Europe to wage a clandestine war against the West. The KGB archives uncovered undercover operations during the Cold War; only the terms and means have changed. Ukrainians are the first victims of this offensive and insidious strategy, which has dragged them into a long sleepless night since 2014. The Scandinavians know well those nights, sometimes without sleep, when the day is without light for months. The construction of Europe is threatened. Some pioneer countries are destabilized. Faced with so much uncertainty, we can lose ground. There are also new avenues to be explored. The economic weapon is compelling. White stones were laid in January 2025 with the first payment of a European loan for Ukrainians and a Strategic European Defense Plan suggested under the Polish presidency with the support of all Europeans to prepare for peace in Ukraine and Europe. White may also be a color full of hope…
1- White color
2- White Zone in Russia
3- White night in Ukraine
4- White stones in Europe

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