Issue 34- Solidarity Ukraine- Holy Family
Bénédicte Halba (ed)
- Publication : 2024
- iriv
This issue is the 12th one for 2024 and the 34th since the beginning of the war in Ukraine....The only thing we are almost sure is that Christmas is on December 25th. Religious celebration associated with the birth of Jesus Christ, it has long ago become secularized becoming a festive moment for all families, whether they are Christian or not, religious or not. Santa Claus was created for commercial purposes at the end of the 19th century. The shortest day of the year, which corresponds to the winter solstice, is worthily celebrated with a brilliant idea of Christianity - to associate the birth of Christ with the lengthening of the day. The light illuminates the souls. Families since immemorial times have always been the place of joy but also of dramas and melodramas. In a first point, we will mention contemporary mythical families that display a «wonderful image of happiness» - is it real or fake? Is it dangerous? In the following points, we will compare the family spirit in the House of Russia and in Ukraine, which decided to freely join “ Family” Europe. In a final point we will ask about the planetary family constellation in the West at the beginning of a new year. Disunity reigns together with worries on the future- a very disunited Western family
1- Happy families
2- Family Russia
3- Tormented family spirit in Europe
4- Disunited families in Western World