Issue 27- 10th birthday (2004-2014)- Détours
Eve-Marie Halba, Bénédicte Halba (eds) et Diomar Gonzalez Serrano, Marta Guitart Sanchis, Federico Mantel, Giulia Perini, Marie-Christine Presse, Vanessa Vivero
- Publication : 2014
- iriv
This 27th edition of the rives de l’iriv is dedicated to the "détour". The editorial rive is about the positive impact of a volunteering to go back to school. The academic rive points out the many ways of the "detour". The psycho-analytic rive explains the "détours" of the desire. The educative rive makes the link between detours and VPL. The artistic rive is about the European detours in the mexican architecture. The European rive emphasizes the European identity through the Slovenian "detour". The Erasmus rive explains the professional detours through a Club offered at the Cité des Métiers. The rive of Argentina questions the possible detours on the way to freedom.