issue 16 - Promise

Eve-Marie Halba, Bénédicte Halba (eds) et Aurélien Brianceau, Madeleine Marchi, Régis (de) Saint-Rémy, Maghol Salemi

  • Publication : 2009
  • iriv

We dedicate this edition to the courageous struggle of Chinese students who believed in the promise of democracy. Brought together peacefully at Tienanmen Square in may 1989 to commemorate the mouvement of the 4th of May that, in 1919, had launched the democratisation of China ; they were brutally reprimanded by the army in June. Their movement had brought together a million students, one thousand were killed and tens of thousands were injured in what was from that day know as the knell of « Beijing Spring ». Twenty years on, their fight was not worthless.

This sixthteenth edition looks at the notion of promise. The editorial rive analyses the promises of volunteering and Europe for youth. The academic rive questions the strength of a promise and its consequences. The spiritual rive surveys the very essense of promise and the quest for happiness. The rive et dérive evokes the importance of keeping promises. The guest rive testifies the worth of a local engagement. The Iranian rive suggests the creation of a federation of associations for foreign students.

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