Issue 10 - 10th birthday (1997-2007)- Struggle
Eve-Marie Halba, Bénédicte Halba (eds) et Krystyna Kocerba, Laurent Pujol, Régis (de) Saint-Rémy
- Publication : 2007
- iriv
This tenth edition of the rives de l'iriv broaches the idea of struggle. The editorial rive questions the different forms of struggle within volunteering (individual, spiritual, collective). The academic rive analyses the vocabulary of war (duality, rivality, mobilisation) The spiritual rive evokes big fighting figures (saint Vincent of Paul, Frédéric Ozanam, David) The guest rive explains the militancy of cooperative production societies. The Polish rive shows how resistance and secrecy have reinforced volunteering in Poland since the XVIIIth century.