Guide pour construire un cours de formation linguistique intégrant l’approche formation professionnelle

Bénédicte Halba (ed) et Furio Bednarz, Chiara Vanetti

This guide edited by the Swiss foundation ECAP is meant to provide guidelines to supply practical directions and possible pathways to integrate professional training, its specific pedagogic solutions, and language learning.

If you are a teacher of professional subjects in the context of an apprenticeship, with adults or people out of high school, it certainly already happened to you to face people who are not native speakers and have different levels of language competences. Even if you are a language teacher for non-native adults, you certainly had to face the request of learning a specific lingo linked to the professional context of your students.

In the first part  the frame of the presented model is proposed, together with some directions about how to manage the analysis of contexts and students' needs, the planning and didactical programming, and the definition of an integrated training plan of learning. In the second part  the instruments to manage the learning sessions are presented, and finally a few suggestions about how to evaluate both the learning results and the process in its entirety.

There is a reference to the Vintage Resource Centre, available for more in depth materials and techniques at the following address: .

The English part was written by the Swiss Foundation ECAP.


Guide pour construire un cours de formation linguistique intégrant l’approche formation professionnelle
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