Management of Volunteering
- Publication : 2006
- De Boeck
- 312 pages
- ISBN : 280415193X
Volunteering has become a main social phenomenon. More and more people are concerned. Good will and enthusiasm are not enough any more.
This book aims to explain and support volunteers and professional working with them in all the steps of a voluntary project: to create and develop an association, to manage time, to finance a project, to recruit and select volunteers, to train them, to assess a voluntary experience, to collaborate and to manage conflicts among the association, to build and implement a network, to implement a project, to measure volunteering, to communicate, to motivate.
Its framework is France but also Fre,nch speaking countries (Belium, Canada, Luxembourg and Switzerland). It comprehends a European perspective with the achievements of pilot projects (such as Leonardo da Vinci, Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig) or INTI (programmes addressing third country nationals) or Youth Volunteering.
This book addresses volunteers and paid staff among the association, and professionals working with tem - civil servants in national , regional and local administrations, local councillors in charge of associations ... and to teachers and trainers working on the non profit sectors together with students interested in the topic.