Authors - Letter H
Bénédicte Halba
Learn moreBénédicte Halba, PhD in Economics, is the founding president of the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv). She was a project manager at the Ministry of Youth and Sports (1991-1994), an expert with the Council of Europe at the Economic Impact of Sport and Volunteering/Volunteering workshops (1992-1994). She dedicated her doctoral thesis to the economics of sport, the first defended on this subject in Europe (Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne University, …
Eve-Marie Halba
Eve-Marie Halba is agrégée in French Grammar. Doctor in French literature (Université Paris IV- Sorbonne, 2000), she made her thesis on Renaut de Montauban, epic of an outcast which studies the banishment of a French epic hero in the XIIIe century (available at Septentrion publishers). She has published : Learn more
Zohra Harrach-Ndiaye
Learn moredéléguée de Paris à l'ASSFAM, partenaire français du projet Comenius Réussir à l'Ecole grâce au bénévolat (2012-2014)
Franziska Haydn
Learn moreresearcher at Oikodrom (Vienna, Austria), austrian partner of the project VA2EL (2008-2010)
Florence (de) Haynin
Learn moreSoldier's wife, she has been national secretary (2000) then president of the association ARIA (2002-2004). Under her mandate, the association has implemented two major projects: VPL for volunteers in Aria (together with iriv, 2003-2006) with the support of the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Social Action of the Army and the implementation of an activitiy of professionals taking care of children (in Strasbourg)
Markus Held
Learn moredirector of the European Center of Volunteering (CEV, Brussels), leader of the European project INVOLVE (2005-2006)