Marco Bartolucci

dr Marco Bartolucci, Degree in experimental psychology at the University of Florence (2008) was awarded a PhD in neuroscience at the Royal Holloway University of London (supervision Prof. Andy Smith) in March 2012. In 'October 2012 he completed the second master level in clinical neuropsychology at the 'Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. During his PhD conducts research with functional imaging techniques (fMRI) sull'attivià perceptual learning in the visual cortex. He currently works with the Laboratory of transcranial magnetic stimulation - UO Neurology Hospital of St. John of God in Florence (Prof. Maria Pia Viggiano, Dott. Massimo Cincotta, Dott. Fabio Giovannelli) investigating how the brain stimulation techniques can interact with the processes of learning and re-learning perceptive. It also deals, as an expert in neuropsychology, clinical and forensic evaluations, and ad hoc implementation of rehabilitation processes through the creation of specific tasks with the aid of multimedia.
Liste des publications
- 11/2019Enhancing artistic extracurricular activities to struggle Early School Leaving (ESL)- the example of an education to OperaArticles
- 08/2019EducOpera- An education to Opera as a Method of Reducing Early School LeavingRapport de recherche
- 05/2019EducoPera - Un outil et une méthode pour identifier et évaluer les compétences acquises grâce à une éducation musiclaePortfolios
- 01/2018Schola- Sois bénévole et réussis à l'écoleRapport de recherche