Agnieszka Borek

Agnieszka Borek , sociologist evaluator, expert and coach in the programme improving pedagogical supervision in Poland. Author and co-author of many evaluations in education. Works in “Era of Evaluation” – the partner of Jagiellonian University in Cracow and Centre for Educational Development in Warsaw in project “Boosting effectiveness of pedagogical supervision system and school quality assessment programme”. Her research interests are focused on quality of the process of teaching and learning, teachers’ attitudes, schools’ evaluation and self-evaluation, teachers’ professional development. She is a certificated educator. Since 2011, she’s been a director of the educational project for 23000 polish teachers and principals focused on the whole school development, exploring issues of school self-evaluation, authentic teaching and learning process and data based decision making). She’s been a coordinator of the project on transformation of the schools’ inspection system for all schools and educational institutions in Poland (funded within a frame of the European Social Fund) since 2010.
Liste des publications
- 11/2021Diverpass- un ebook pour accompagner les migrants sur le marché du travailRapport de recherche
- 08/2021GRIT- Un état d'esprit de croissance pour lutter contre le décrochage scolaireRapport de recherche
- 01/2018Schola- Sois bénévole et réussis à l'écoleRapport de recherche
- 12/2017Portfolio Schola pour valoriser l'expérience bénévole des élèvesPortfolios